Do You Suffer From Applicititus

Welcome to our website, thank you for taking the time to visit.

Soon you will see, by clicking on that little link further down, what a difference it has made in your day.

  I need to ask you some questions during your visit here.  Do you have a minute?

Good. I am going to ask you to think a minute (Don’t worry it won’t be to painful - LOL)
It might be or not be something that happened yesterday or even recently, but at some point in your life. 


Have you ever attended a seminar of any kind, a workshop, some training or even home study (including on the internet)?

Answer: YES

At some point all of us have. It might be as small as reading a new recipe, learning a new exercise or on a larger scale a seminar on how to build a business.

Still There?

You could agree that while doing anything, there is new information we get exposed too. Also, for your personal success it is important to constantly apply new material and integrate it into your life. You may additionally realize that applying leading material will dramatically improve your day by developing new skills, add to your talents, furthermore it may be necessary in a performance appraisal on the job. (Or, required to prevent things from getting worse.)

Information could be a variety of different things such as learning to cook healthier, exercise more or a bigger picture would be a promotion you have wanted, allowing you to move up the corporate ladder. Another source would be a course you’re taking toward a degree. 

Keep in mind; you are certain, learning will benefit you both professionally and personally. The financial result will probably have a large impact too. (That is the outcome we all strive for after all, isn’t it?)

Now Here Is The Big One: For some reason you just don’t act on all this great information that you have paid good money for.  How many times have you asked yourself why?  Have you sat and thought I really should have taken all this information I learned and applied it? What am I doing wrong? I’ll get to it later. And … later turns into months and years.

The jury is in and the diagnosis is here and now. No, this is not simply procrastination. Nor will time management address this problem. It’s an ailment bigger than that. The diagnosis is Applicititus and yes there is a breakthrough cure.

Now, your asking what is this, I never heard of it?  It’s the chronic failure to apply material you have invested in and you know is valuable.  Deep down we all know that anything we read or learn is valuable. It is up to you to apply it.  To take action.

Today is your lucky day. Earlier, I told you this will make a difference in your day.

The professor is in, don’t go yet!

He is going to make time right now to share more about this scourge with you.  Since this breakthrough cure has only been shared with a few exclusively transformed individuals so far, you will have to agree to receive this confidential information below. 

Remember, here is the practical cure for what ails you.

Isn’t it time to get the cure and not only make a difference in your day but also make an impact on your life.

I am ready to know more
about this confidential information.

First name

Last Name

E-mail address

We respect your privacy and we wont sell or distribute
your information or e-mail address

If you have any reservations about entering your information feel free to send us an email requesting the information


Your Applicititus eradicating Program has done more for us than all the books tapes and personal interviews during the past forty-seven years.

Thank you especially for your support, it is obvious that you do care for us.

Every day we give thanks to you and have integrated your very quick and simple exercises in with the things to do before breakfast. I have a long term back injury that requires at least ten minutes of bend and stretch, your "2-minute" techniques cool me down nicely and gets my brain settled for the day. I find myself doing the finger walk exercise when there is a problem that is giving me grief and use the 8-minute miracle when I need to sort out our hang-ups.

Michael you are THE MAN!!!!

Keep up the good work
Alan - UK

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